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artefact A Site of Philosophy

caretaken by Michael Eldred
Cologne, Germany
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This is a site of independent philosophical thinking, free from institutional strictures.
Da capo — back to the beginning, back to scratch.
The questions posed by Greek thinking and its answers set the West on a fateful trajectory that maintains its grip on our shared, now global, mind to the present day.
Da capo demands a critical engagement with the entire tradition of Western thinking — with Plato & Aristotle, Descartes & Kant, Hegel & Marx, and especially Heidegger.
Da capo moves back from the quiet front of scholarship to take hermeneutic rethinking and recasting to hitherto neglected or misinterpreted phenomena.
Hermeneutic-phenomenological thinking requires and enables us to learn to see certain elementary phenomena anew. 
In an age of near-total immersion in positivist-empiricist ways of thinking, with the resulting pitiful subjugation of philosophy to modern science, the move da capo revives the hermeneutic As in the ontological difference as the doorway to recasting who we are.
Issues include: 
The dogma of interior subjective consciousness vis-à-vis an external objective world 
The misguided dogma of evolution theory that casts us as a species of animal 
The narrow-minded ontology of efficient-causal movement as the core of the absolute will to power over all kinds of movement. 
The question of time: one-dimensional vs. three-dimensional time, and superseding ontology by temporalogy
The will to power over mental movement through neuroscience vs. the free movement of the mind through three-dimensional time.
The ontology of mutually estimative power interplay, and the possibility of freedom — whatness vs. whoness 
The competitive gainful game played atop the endless, senseless accumulation of thingified value (valorization)
Existential poisoning through our immersion in the invisible global medium of valorizing thingified value
The ever-growing dictatorship of algorithms through our immersion in the cyberworld and their aptitude for enhancing valorization


Copyright (c) 1996-2024 by Michael Eldred, all rights reserved. These texts at artefact - A Site of Philosophy may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. and international copyright law, and they may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that the author is notified and no fee is charged for access. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of these texts on other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author. Citations must be expressly acknowledged, specifying the author and title. Copyright to these texts is protected by registration by means of a counting pixel with VG Wort, Munich, Germany. 
Last modified: 16-Apr-2024

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